Fall in Love With Pets!

If you’ve spent any time around the Raja offices, you’ve probably met “Lowkey”—the sweet German Shepherd who helps me in so many ways; it won’t come as a surprise that pets are family around our house. But did you know that the animals who share our space provide more than just companionship? Animals have innate abilities to sense and communicate when we don’t feel well (there are loads of stories with dogs, cats, and other animals alerting their owners to impending seizures, heart attacks, and more!) Many times people think I can read minds—because I come to check on them when they are having a difficult time during treatment at just the right time—but the truth is quite often that adorable dog of mine has woken from a dead sleep to alert me to the issue. I don’t know how he knows and I’m ok with him keeping the secret, as long as he keeps helping me help others! 

In addition, having pets is linked to reduced rates of depression and anxiety—so much so that emotional support animals are now widely accepted. Even the CDC says “Regular walking or playing with pets can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels.”1 Other studies have shown how having pets reduces cortisol levels. Furthermore, those pets of ours keep us more active and give us a reason to go outside and more even when the weather isn’t perfect.

I am blessed to work with a variety of animals who share their healing gifts with others—from our herd of horses and mini donkey to our dogs, and even the barn cats work their magic to help bring smiles to those who visit. Horses in particular can regulate the coherence of our heart rhythm and stress response just by being near us. The Heart Math Institute has some fascinating research on this. Cats have a unique “superpower” in their purr. “A cat purrs within a range of 20-140 Hz which is known to be medically therapeutic for illnesses in humans. A cat's purr can not only lower stress it can also help labored breathing, lower blood pressure, help heal infections, and even heal bones.”2

Animals of all kinds can bring joy into our lives, even the slithery and skittering kinds like snakes & lizards. They may not be for everyone (let’s face it—not everyone is a cat or dog lover), but if they brighten your day then that’s all that matters

Jenny-Marie Greenough

As responsible human stewards of our animal friends, it’s important to remember that their health comes with unique concerns based on nutritional, environmental, and mental needs. Luckily for our horses, dogs & cats, there are a variety of supplements and herbal medicines to help keep them feeling their best! Some of my favorite products are:

  • 100X Equine Joint Supplements (the dogs, horses, and myself all feel better with this one!) (available for purchase in our office)
  • Standard Process Products
  • Dynamite Products for nutritional support and select conditions, homeopathic, and even East Asian Medicines. 
  • We also offer consultations to help select the best possible products for your animal friends!

For those of you with dogs—we’ve got a photo contest running to win a goodie basket for your best bud! So bring out the photos and let’s see those smiling furry faces!

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1 https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/keeping-pets-and-people-healthy/how.html

2 https://www.akcreunite.org/catsimprovementalhealth/

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